Guidelines for the new Students - Batch 2020

Create your university account

If you need more support for configuring, please join the WhatsApp group via the invitation. You can find the invitation link from the email you received from the faculty of science.

You can find the steps to configure the university account into your mobile device from here. Video guide for the Android and IOS available here.

Configure Your Android Device

Configure Your IOS Device

Registration Payment

  1. If you receive a "3D Authentication failed" error - it means that you were not successful entering required information. Please correct any typing errors, deactivate Caps Lock, check the data if needed and try one more time.

  2. A Declined - Do not honour notification is a request status associated with the 20005 response code, and it means that the customer's bank has declined the payment. This is the most common message provided by banks when a payment fails their authorization process. - You have to enable your card for online payments. To do that you have to contact your card provider

  3. Please Note that you need to be logged into your University Google Account, in-order to make the payment.

Install and Configure Zoom

Please note : You don't need to create any zoom accounts. You can join our meetings as guest. But make sure to use your name and the registration number when joining to a meeting. Ex : John (S/20/999)

Need additional support ?

send and email to :