To pay the Repeat Registration fee click on FOS Payment on the student dashboard.
When you choose the Repeat Registration option from the Payment Type drop down menu, a new field appears as No. of Subjects and the Amount to be paid changes with respect to the No. of Subjects(LKR 50 per subject).
Next, in the Additional Information field, you should mention the course codes separating them with commas(without any spaces).
(For Example: AS402,AS403,AS404)
Before continuing, verify the Academic Year and Semester for accuracy.
Once the Payment Type is selected and the course codes are entered into the Additional Information field(as required) click on the Goto Payment button.
This will direct you to the payment prompt as shown below. Enter the card number, Expiry Month/Year, CVC, Name on Card and then click on the Submit button.
After completing the payment process, email to mentioning about the payment you have done under the Payment Type of Repeat Registration and the date of payment.