Grading Answers Scripts Online

Before grading the answer scripts, make sure you are not updating the original files available in the Google Classroom. You can either download a copy or follow the tutorial video

Access Paper Marking

Visit the Faculty of Science website and click on GoTo Dashboard

If you have not already logged into your faculty email, click on Login and log in to the email. Then click on Click Here, which will lead you to the private Dashboard

Click on the Paper Marking application.

Once you click on the Paper Marking application, the following windows appears.

First click on Review Permissions and then select your university account.

And then click on Allow.

Once you are in the Paper Marking Application, go to your Google Classroom. And then open the relevant examination window.

Open the Google Drive folder by clicking on the folder icon.

Obtaining a Copy of the Original Files

The Google Drive consist of the original files. Therefore, it is necessary to make copies of the files.

Right click on the URL of the folder and click on copy.

And then Paste it to the Grading System (Paper Marking application), enter your Course Code and then click on Make a Copy.

The copies you requested will be saved to your Google Drive and then click on Open Folder to access the copies.

Now you can grade the papers by using any of the online software.

Grading according to the Tutorial

Add marks as Google Drive Comments

Add Marks with the Question Number

Open the file you need to grade and then click on Add a comment.

Highlight the answer you want to mark, insert the marks and click on Comment. If you give five marks for the first part of the first question, mark it as (1.1.5) as shown below.

Please make sure that all the files have the same naming pattern before you start the calculation.

Once you complete marking the papers, open the Grading System application, choose the mark mechanism and number of total questions in the question paper and then click on Calculate Grades.

It will generate the final grading sheet in the folder with the Course Name. You will see all the grades calculated separately.

Add Marks without the Question Number

The process goes as in the "Add Marks with the Question Number" but the only difference is,

  • When adding comments, you can just highlight the portion you are marking and just mention the mark. If the student obtained five marks for the first question it will be commented as 5.

Add marks as Adobe Acrobat Online Comments

Add Marks without the Question Number

You can install Adobe Acrobat into your Google Drive and use advanced feature for marking.

Choose Adobe Acrobat and click Install button. Log into Adobe Acrobat using your university email.

Once you install, you can double click on pdf files to be opened in Adobe Acrobat automatically.

Click on the Drawing Tool, can start marking.

Click on the Sticky Note icon to comment the marks that the student has obtained for the questions. This will help to calculate marks for all students.

Once you complete marking the papers, open the Grading System application, choose the mark mechanism and number of total questions in the question paper and then click on Calculate Grades.

It will generate the final grading sheet in the folder with the Course Name. You will see all the grades calculated separately.

Add marks as Adobe Acrobat Offline Comments

Add Marks with the Question Number

If you wish to mark the papers offline, you can download them as a ZIP file and grade the papers locally.

Download Adobe Acrobat to your machine, and start grading your files. The process is similar to the online version.

You can calculate the marks manually or you can upload the corrected files to the Google Drive and grade them using Grading System.

Once you complete marking the papers, open the Grading System application, choose the mark mechanism and number of total questions in the question paper and then click on Calculate Grades.

It will generate the final grading sheet in the folder with the Course Name. You will see all the grades calculated separately.

After calculating the grades, please check them for accuracy